Our Academics
We believe that each student is of infinite value as an exclusively created child of God with strengths to be developed for their designed purpose.
The overarching ideal is personalized education where students enjoy “voice and choice” in their academic lives and where the teacher focuses the learning on the student’s strengths, needs, and interests. Standards-based teaching and learning provides the framework or structure to guide this focus, and works well with other conference initiatives such as PBL and STEM.
Standards-based Education
What is standards-based teaching, learning, & grading?
Standards-based education is outcome-based, meaning that instructional efforts are focused on specific and clearly defined measurable, observable outcomes or goals that the student must know and be able to do. The use of standards is more rigorous, consistent, and transparent.
While the teacher does engage in direct instruction, more often a standards-based classroom is immersed in learning strategies that help students engage in critical thinking and are self-directed opportunities for learning. A standards-based classroom collects formative assessments, quick peeks into learning that guide both the teacher and the student. The focus is what the student knows and is able to do, and there are multiple opportunities to demonstrate learning.
A proficiency scale is a table used by teachers and students that helps determine a student’s level of progress on a particular standard. Each scale carefully outlines everything students need to know from foundational to advanced skills and uses a 4.0-point system where a score of 3.0 indicates proficiency. Teachers will use a proficiency scale for every learning goal/standard. Proficiency scales help students become active participants in their learning by allowing them to have a deeper understanding of what it is they should know and be able to do and providing the clarity that allows students to take ownership of their learning.
Multi-Grade Classrooms
Our JCS teachers have many years of experience and we believe that they are capable of teaching in this manner. There has been doctorate work done with scientific research on the positive aspects of two grade levels within a classroom. Here are some of the benefits of a multi-grade classroom:
Pedagogical tool for promoting independence
Needs of students often more individualized
Better learning outcomes for students
Students are able to move at their own pace in some circumstances
No significant differences in cognitive or achievement effects for students in single or multi-grade classrooms
Positive effects of peer learning and peer tutoring assists in embedding their own knowledge
Some research has shown that children in multi-grades tend to be more positive
Students develop a higher sense of self-esteem about their academics
Students have greater opportunity to take leadership roles
JCS is a great place for children to learn, play, enjoy nature and grow in Christ. You are invited to come tour our facility and meet our staff.
Some of our Enrichment Activities
Journey Christian School offers a STEM program that also includes religion and art in the program. JCS is a school with hands-on learning. Each teacher creates STREAM activities in their classroom to bring learning to life for each student. STREAM activities help each student to learn with interactive lessons from creating science experiments to learning new hands-on mathematics activities.
At JCS we offer worship programs from morning all school worship, chapel to Week of Prayers. Students are encouraged to lead in worship from song service to a devotional thought. We also have vespers quarterly to bring the families together to enjoy fellowship and worship on Friday evenings. Each vespers has dinner, songs, and a worship talk from someone in our community.
Our music program is directed by Lauren Cash. Our students learn to play instruments from ukulele to strings. Kindergarten through 2nd grade develop their skills in singing songs and learn how to play the ukulele. In 3rd through 8th grade, each student begins to learn an orchestral string instrument and participates in choir.
4-H Program
Our 4-H program is associated with the national
4-H to create students who develop leadership skills, understand responsibility and progress daily on life skills. Each 4-H student has their own chicken here at school. They also do yearly hands-on activities to improve the community. If you would like to know more, visit www.4-h.org.